Features List
Browse our full feature list to see all of the tools KaleidaGraph provides to visualize your data, analyze your results, and communicate your findings.
If you don’t see a specific feature or wish to request a new feature please email support@synergy.com.
- Data Entry
- Data Management
- Analyzing Data
- Plot Types
- Plot Customization
- Curve Fitting
- Special Plot Features
- Exporting Graphics
- Type data directly into the data window.
- Open Excel files directly (including .xlsx files).
- Import tab, space, and comma delimited text files created in other applications.
- Read user specified data formats, including fixed/variable data widths and read/skip capability.
- Paste data from other applications via the Clipboard.
- Ability to use the first row as column titles when pasting.
- Preview your data set while importing it.
- Fill data columns with row numbers, random numbers, or a user-defined series.
- Support for Unicode text and long text strings.
- Ability to specify text encoding when importing and exporting text files.
- Up to 200 open data windows (containing up to 1000 columns by 1 million rows each).
- Data formats: floating point, double precision, integer, data, time, and text.
- Display date and time values in one of 18 formats.
- Perform multi-level sorts on the data.
- Make notes about your data that are saved with the data window.
- Update the plot automatically (or on-demand) if any changes are made in the data window.
- Independently adjustable column width and row height.
- Select font, font size, style, justification, font color, and background color for individual columns.
- Add horizontal and vertical splits to compare different sections of the same data window.
- Mask data points to exclude them from plots and further analysis.
- Transpose rows and columns.
- Easily reorganize grouped data.
- Perform key operations quickly using the Toolbar.
- Support for multiple undos via a History window.
- All Mac and Windows files are fully interchangeable. (Files saved from v5 need to be saved in an older file format for use in v4.5 or earlier.)
- Parametric tests: one and two way ANOVA (with repeated measures), and t-tests (single sample, paired, and unpaired).
- Nonparametric tests: Wilcoxon (Signed Rank, Matched Pairs, Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney), Kruskal-Wallis, and Friedman.
- Post Hoc tests: Tukey HSD, Bonferonni, Holm, Student-Newman-Keuls, Scheffe, Fisher’s LSD, and Dunnett.
- Supports indexed and raw data.
- Descriptive statistics: min, max, sum, points, mean, median, RMS, std. deviation, variance, std. error, skewness, and kurtosis.
Formula Entry:
- Over 100 functions available to create algebraic formulas that perform simple math or complex calculations.
- Interpolate data values using the table() function.
- Write multi-line formulas that can be executed all at once.
- Use scripts to automate the process of importing data, manipulating data, creating plots, and exporting or printing plots.
Macros/Macro Calculator:
- Included macros provide ability to calculate area under the curve, moving averages, and create a variety of data series.
- Write your own programs using conditional testing, boolean testing, subroutines, and nested loops.
- 2000 step RPN program capability.
- Linear plots including: Line, Scatter, Double X, Double Y, Double XY, High/Low, Step, Fill, and Bubble.
- Bar/Column plots including: Horizontal Bar, Stack Bar, Column, Stack Column, Double Y Bar, Double Y Column, Floating Bar, and Floating Column.
- Statistical plots including: Probability, X-Y Probability, Histogram, Box, Percentile, Dot, and Summary Column.
- Polar plot.
- Pie chart, with ability to explode pie slices.
- Function plot (plot a formula).
- Template plot can be used to generate the same type of plot, using different data. Any error bars and curve fits are automatically applied in the new plot.
- Binned data can be exported to create a Histogram, Step plot, or Spike plot.
- Ability to create Line/Column plots using a single plot.
- Ability to overlay the markers from a Dot plot on Box, Percentile, and Summary Column plots.
- Fully customize plot attributes (axis limits, label frequency, ticks, grids, color, font, style, legend, plot size, etc.).
- Control the number of markers displayed, marker shapes (60 choices), size, fill color, and frame color.
- Display gradient fill patterns in plots and objects.
- Set the initial tick mark and specify tick intervals.
- Linear, Log, Natural Log, and Log (Base 2) axis scaling.
- Partial decades allowed on any log axis.
- Control the ticks and axis labels on the X2 and Y2 axes by creating a link to their primary axis.
- Ability to hide, reverse, and exchange axes.
- Insert flexible axis breaks – define gap, position, length, and post-break interval.
- Offset axes – based on percent or specific value.
- Display scientific and engineering plot labels in one of five formats.
- Control the format and display of date and time axis labels.
- Add a prefix or suffix to the axis labels.
- Display drop lines from the points to the X and/or Y axis.
- Display rulers and grids for placing plot elements.
- Control the thickness of axes, grids, ticks, lines, error bars, and more.
- Add text, lines, arrows, boxes, ovals, arcs, polygons, and bezier curves to the plot.
- Insert special characters, subscripts, and superscripts in text labels.
- Copy, duplicate, group, align, and layer objects.
- Create customized color palettes.
- Least Squares curve fits include: Linear, Polynomial, Exponential, Logarithmic, and Power.
- Nonlinear curve fitting utilizing a predefined equation or enter your own equation (up to 9 parameters).
- Includes a library of over 100 curve fit definitions you can customize.
- Smoothing curve fits include: Smooth, Weighted, Cubic Spline, and Interpolate.
- Store up to 30 user-defined curve fits for simultaneous use on a single plot.
- Extrapolate curve fits to axis limits.
- Curve fit results include fit equation, parameters, r or r^2, and Chi Square and parameter errors (nonlinear curve fit).
- Additional Linear curve fit statistics include adjusted r^2, standard errors, F value, P values, t values, and upper and lower 95% confidence intervals.
- Ability to tabulate curve fit results into a new data window.
- Copy the data values of the curve fit or the residuals into the data window for further analysis.
- Ability to incorporate user-defined weights in the nonlinear fit.
- Ability to supply partial derivatives for nonlinear curve fits.
- Option to force a Linear fit through the origin.
- User-selectable error bars can be added with independent upper and lower error types. Error values can be calculated or specified in a data column.
- Annotate points on a plot through the use of text error bars.
- Ability to display error arcs or ellipses instead of error bars.
- Ability to add error bars on Dot plots.
- Graphically mask data regions to temporarily eliminate data points.
- Find the coordinates of any point on the plot and optionally copy them to the Clipboard.
- Numerical values of bars, columns, or pie slices can be placed automatically on the plot.
- Plot up to 99 dependent variables at once on a single set of axes.
- Combine multiple data sets on a single plot.
- Plot multiple X variables from one data set.
- Preview your plot changes without leaving the dialog.
- Option to show a gap in the variable line wherever there are missing values.
- Histograms can be created by specifying the number of bins or the size of the bin.
- Display mean or median on Dot plot, and control the scatter of points.
- Control the grid type, data format, reference angle, and direction for Polar plots.
- Run plot scripts to create multiple plots that have the same appearance.
- Plots and layouts can be exported with a resolution between 72 and 1400 dpi.
- Copy plots and layouts to the Clipboard and paste into another application.
- Save plots and layouts as BMP, JPG, PNG, TIFF, SVG, PDF, Enhanced Metafile (Windows), and Metafile (Windows) files.
- Specify the dimensions of the exported plot.
- Easily minimize the amount of white space around the exported plot or layout.
- Export PNG and TIFF images with a transparent background.
- Use the layout window to easily combine multiple plots, text, and graphics on a single page.
- Save plots and the layout in a single file.
- Use Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) in the Windows version to insert plots into Microsoft Office that can be edited back in KaleidaGraph.
Data Entry
- Type data directly into the data window.
- Open Excel files directly (including .xlsx files).
- Import tab, space, and comma delimited text files created in other applications.
- Read user specified data formats, including fixed/variable data widths and read/skip capability.
- Paste data from other applications via the Clipboard.
- Ability to use the first row as column titles when pasting.
- Preview your data set while importing it.
- Fill data columns with row numbers, random numbers, or a user-defined series.
- Support for Unicode text and long text strings.
- Ability to specify text encoding when importing and exporting text files.
Data Management
- Up to 200 open data windows (containing up to 1000 columns by 1 million rows each).
- Data formats: floating point, double precision, integer, data, time, and text.
- Display date and time values in one of 18 formats.
- Perform multi-level sorts on the data.
- Make notes about your data that are saved with the data window.
- Update the plot automatically (or on-demand) if any changes are made in the data window.
- Independently adjustable column width and row height.
- Select font, font size, style, justification, font color, and background color for individual columns.
- Add horizontal and vertical splits to compare different sections of the same data window.
- Mask data points to exclude them from plots and further analysis.
- Transpose rows and columns.
- Easily reorganize grouped data.
- Perform key operations quickly using the Toolbar.
- Support for multiple undos via a History window.
- All Mac and Windows files are fully interchangeable. (Files saved from v5 need to be saved in an older file format for use in v4.5 or earlier.)
Analyzing Data
- Parametric tests: one and two way ANOVA (with repeated measures), and t-tests (single sample, paired, and unpaired).
- Nonparametric tests: Wilcoxon (Signed Rank, Matched Pairs, Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney), Kruskal-Wallis, and Friedman.
- Post Hoc tests: Tukey HSD, Bonferonni, Holm, Student-Newman-Keuls, Scheffe, Fisher’s LSD, and Dunnett.
- Supports indexed and raw data.
- Descriptive statistics: min, max, sum, points, mean, median, RMS, std. deviation, variance, std. error, skewness, and kurtosis.
Formula Entry:
- Over 100 functions available to create algebraic formulas that perform simple math or complex calculations.
- Interpolate data values using the table() function.
- Write multi-line formulas that can be executed all at once.
- Use scripts to automate the process of importing data, manipulating data, creating plots, and exporting or printing plots.
Macros/Macro Calculator:
- Included macros provide ability to calculate area under the curve, moving averages, and create a variety of data series.
- Write your own programs using conditional testing, boolean testing, subroutines, and nested loops.
- 2000 step RPN program capability.
Plot Types
- Linear plots including: Line, Scatter, Double X, Double Y, Double XY, High/Low, Step, Fill, and Bubble.
- Bar/Column plots including: Horizontal Bar, Stack Bar, Column, Stack Column, Double Y Bar, Double Y Column, Floating Bar, and Floating Column.
- Statistical plots including: Probability, X-Y Probability, Histogram, Box, Percentile, Dot, and Summary Column.
- Polar plot.
- Pie chart, with ability to explode pie slices.
- Function plot (plot a formula).
- Template plot can be used to generate the same type of plot, using different data. Any error bars and curve fits are automatically applied in the new plot.
- Binned data can be exported to create a Histogram, Step plot, or Spike plot.
- Ability to create Line/Column plots using a single plot.
- Ability to overlay the markers from a Dot plot on Box, Percentile, and Summary Column plots.
Plot Customization
- Fully customize plot attributes (axis limits, label frequency, ticks, grids, color, font, style, legend, plot size, etc.).
- Control the number of markers displayed, marker shapes (60 choices), size, fill color, and frame color.
- Display gradient fill patterns in plots and objects.
- Set the initial tick mark and specify tick intervals.
- Linear, Log, Natural Log, and Log (Base 2) axis scaling.
- Partial decades allowed on any log axis.
- Control the ticks and axis labels on the X2 and Y2 axes by creating a link to their primary axis.
- Ability to hide, reverse, and exchange axes.
- Insert flexible axis breaks – define gap, position, length, and post-break interval.
- Offset axes – based on percent or specific value.
- Display scientific and engineering plot labels in one of five formats.
- Control the format and display of date and time axis labels.
- Add a prefix or suffix to the axis labels.
- Display drop lines from the points to the X and/or Y axis.
- Display rulers and grids for placing plot elements.
- Control the thickness of axes, grids, ticks, lines, error bars, and more.
- Add text, lines, arrows, boxes, ovals, arcs, polygons, and bezier curves to the plot.
- Insert special characters, subscripts, and superscripts in text labels.
- Copy, duplicate, group, align, and layer objects.
- Create customized color palettes.
Curve Fitting
- Least Squares curve fits include: Linear, Polynomial, Exponential, Logarithmic, and Power.
- Nonlinear curve fitting utilizing a predefined equation or enter your own equation (up to 9 parameters).
- Includes a library of over 100 curve fit definitions you can customize.
- Smoothing curve fits include: Smooth, Weighted, Cubic Spline, and Interpolate.
- Store up to 30 user-defined curve fits for simultaneous use on a single plot.
- Extrapolate curve fits to axis limits.
- Curve fit results include fit equation, parameters, r or r^2, and Chi Square and parameter errors (nonlinear curve fit).
- Additional Linear curve fit statistics include adjusted r^2, standard errors, F value, P values, t values, and upper and lower 95% confidence intervals.
- Ability to tabulate curve fit results into a new data window.
- Copy the data values of the curve fit or the residuals into the data window for further analysis.
- Ability to incorporate user-defined weights in the nonlinear fit.
- Ability to supply partial derivatives for nonlinear curve fits.
- Option to force a Linear fit through the origin.
Special Plot Features
- User-selectable error bars can be added with independent upper and lower error types. Error values can be calculated or specified in a data column.
- Annotate points on a plot through the use of text error bars.
- Ability to display error arcs or ellipses instead of error bars.
- Ability to add error bars on Dot plots.
- Graphically mask data regions to temporarily eliminate data points.
- Find the coordinates of any point on the plot and optionally copy them to the Clipboard.
- Numerical values of bars, columns, or pie slices can be placed automatically on the plot.
- Plot up to 99 dependent variables at once on a single set of axes.
- Combine multiple data sets on a single plot.
- Plot multiple X variables from one data set.
- Preview your plot changes without leaving the dialog.
- Option to show a gap in the variable line wherever there are missing values.
- Histograms can be created by specifying the number of bins or the size of the bin.
- Display mean or median on Dot plot, and control the scatter of points.
- Control the grid type, data format, reference angle, and direction for Polar plots.
- Run plot scripts to create multiple plots that have the same appearance.
Exporting Graphics
- Plots and layouts can be exported with a resolution between 72 and 1400 dpi.
- Copy plots and layouts to the Clipboard and paste into another application.
- Save plots and layouts as BMP, JPG, PNG, TIFF, SVG, PDF, Enhanced Metafile (Windows), and Metafile (Windows) files.
- Specify the dimensions of the exported plot.
- Easily minimize the amount of white space around the exported plot or layout.
- Export PNG and TIFF images with a transparent background.
- Use the layout window to easily combine multiple plots, text, and graphics on a single page.
- Save plots and the layout in a single file.
- Use Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) in the Windows version to insert plots into Microsoft Office that can be edited back in KaleidaGraph.
Take the Next Step
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