Sample Plots
- All
- Linear Plots
- Bar Plots
- Stat Plots
- Polar and Pie Plots
- Function Plots

Line Plot w/ Error Bars and Offset Axes

Scatter Plot w/ Axes Positioned at the Origin

Column Plot w/ Curve Fit and Error Bars

Dot Plot

Fill Plot

Double Y Plot

Column Plot

Line Plot w/ Linear Curve Fit and Confidence Limits Plotted

Probability Plot w/ Linear Axis

Function Plot of a Sigmoidal Equation

Overlaying Markers on a Summary Column Plot

Scatter Plot w/ Axis Breaks

X-Y Probability Plot

Bubble Plot

Polar Plot w/ Angular Labels

Scatter Plot w/ Sigmoidal Curve Fit and Error Bars

Function Plot of a Gaussian Equation

Box Plot w/ Markers

Column Plot w/ Axis Break

Exploded Pie Chart

Horizontal Bar Plot w/ Error Bars

Summary Column Plot

Function Plot

Floating Column Plot

Polar Plot

Probability Plot

Box Plot w/ Outliers

Double X Plot

Dot Plot

Column Plot w/ Curve Fit

Double Y Plot

Bubble Plot

Double Y Column Plot

Pie Chart w/ Values

Double Y Bar Plot w/ Error Bars

Function Plot

Scatter Plot w/ Interpolate Curve Fits

Floating Bar Plot

Overlaying Markers on a Box Plot

Double X Plot w/ Repositioned X2 Axis

Scatter Plot w/ Polynomial Curve Fit

Stack Column Plot

High/Low Plot

Stack Bar Plot

Histogram Plot

Step Plot

Percentile Plot

Polar Plot w/ Square Grid

Pie Chart

Overlaying Markers on a Percentile Plot
Want to have access to these plots or need tips on how they were created?
Feel free to download a ZIP file containing all of the plot files. Contact our technical support department for more information on any of these plots or if you have some interesting plots that we can showcase.