Search the Knowledge Base
- The license file is locked error message.
- On what operating systems can I run KaleidaGraph?
- I do not get the OK button after entering my Authorization Code. Why?
- How do I plot multiple X variables on a plot?
- I get a warning that KaleidaGraph is not optimized for my Mac. Is there a 64-bit version of the software?
- My older KG files are being treated as Text files.
- The following disk image couldn't be opened error message is displayed.
- Why am I unable to ungroup a plot that is copied and pasted or imported into Office?
- Can I make a tax exempt purchase?
- Do I need to order the extended download service?
- How do I get a copy of my invoice for my electronic order?
- Where do I download my electronic order?
- Who processes the online orders and how do I contact them?
- Where are my serial number and authorization code?
- I ordered the software for the wrong platform. How can I switch it?
- Can I share files between the Mac and Windows platforms?
- Can the latest version open files created in older versions of KaleidaGraph?
- I need a copy of the KaleidaGraph license agreement
- What are the differences between the Mac and Windows version?
- KaleidaGraph for Windows shows in the taskbar but I don't see any windows.
- List of Changes for v5.0.x
- How do I improve the appearance of the fonts in menus and dialogs when using the Windows version on a high-resolution monitor?
- Why aren’t the files listed under Recent Files remembered the next time I use the program?
System Requirements
Installation and Launch
- The following disk image couldn't be opened error message is displayed.
- Why do I get the following error trying to install KG - “Your security preferences allow installation of only apps from the Mac App Store and identified developers”?
- Can I install a single-user version on multiple computers?
- Transferring the software to a new computer
- I am running into problems trying to install an update/upgrade.
- Can I install KaleidaGraph on a network server?
- How do I uninstall KaleidaGraph?
- Is it possible to do a silent install?
Serial Number/Authorization Code
- I do not get the OK button after entering my Authorization Code. Why?
- I launch the Windows version but the Personalization dialog doesn’t contain any text. Why?
- Where are my serial number and authorization code?
- What does the serial number look like?
- I am upgrading from a previous version of KaleidaGraph. Where is my serial number?
- I accidentally entered the wrong serial number, how can I correct this?
Reinstalling KaleidaGraph
- How do I get a replacement download?
- I didn’t order the extended download service when I purchased KaleidaGraph, but now I want to order it. What do I do?
- If I purchased the extended download, how long do I have to download KaleidaGraph?
- Where do I go if I ordered the extended download and now need to download KaleidaGraph?
- Transferring the software to a new computer
Network Version of KaleidaGraph
Basic Questions
Importing Data
- Why are my data values changing on their own?
- Why are my dates incorrect after copying them from Excel?
- I imported a text file, but now everything is placed into a single column. Why?
- How do I control whether a comma or period is used for the decimal point?
- How do I include column titles when using the Cut, Copy, Clear, or Paste commands?
- Can KaleidaGraph handle different types of delimeters in text files?
- How many lines can be skipped when importing a text file?
- Is it possible to transpose the data while it is being imported?
Exporting Data
Printing Data
Linear Plots
- How do I plot multiple X variables on a plot?
- How do I hide or edit the number of markers shown in a Scatter plot?
- How do I control the number of markers that are displayed?
- Can I display bars/columns in a Line, Scatter, Double X, Double Y, or Double XY plot?
- When I zoom in on a plot containing a variable line, the line shifts away from the data. Why?
- How do I create a Residual vs. Fitted plot?
Stat Plots
- How is the Box plot calculated and what do the lines represent?
- How do I add space between the bars in a Histogram?
- Is there any way to control the color, size, or shape of the marker used to represent an outlier in Box plots?
- How do I get the counts side by side instead of stacked on top of each other in a Histogram?
- How do I apply a curve fit to a Histogram plot?
- How do I calculate norm(x(i)) for the Probability plot?
- What is the equation for the curve fit applied to the Probability plot?
- Why doesn’t my Box plot have any whiskers?
Bar Plots
- How do I make the frame around the bars/columns thicker?
- How can I create a column plot having a different pattern for each of the bars and a space in between the bars?
- How can I combine a Line plot and a Column plot on a single plot?
- Why can’t I change the axis limits in Bar/Column plots?
- How do I display the data values on my bar or column plot?
- Can I create a Stack Area plot with KaleidaGraph?
- How are errors calculated when plotting duplicate categories?
- How do I control the baseline for log axes?
Polar Plots
Function Plots
Template Plots
- What are the differences between performing a Replot and using the Template plot?
- What are the differences between Template plot and Plot Script?
- Why can’t I choose the Template command?
- After using a Template plot that has curve fits applied, the resulting plot has extra curve fit equations displayed on the plot. Why?
Basic Questions
- How do I set the default attributes for plots?
- How do I save the defaults for text labels?
- How do I add new curves to a plot?
- How do I delete curves from a plot?
- How can I combine a Line plot and a Column plot on a single plot?
- How do I display a gap in my line where I have missing data?
- Can I subtract the values of one curve from another curve?
- How can I change the font or font size for all of the text labels in my plot?
Legend Text and Frame
- How do I remove the frame around the legend?
- How do I make changes to the legend frame?
- How do I change the text in the legend?
- How do I change the color of the legend text?
- How do I set the defaults for the legend frame?
- How do I delete an item from the legend?
- How do I move the items in the legend?
- How do I increase the thickness of the axes?
- How do I control whether tick marks are displayed along the X2 and Y2 axes?
- How do I hide the top and right axes in a plot?
- How do I change the position of the axes?
- How does KaleidaGraph handle X data columns formatted as Text?
- Why does my log axis appear linear?
Grid Lines
Axis Labels
- How can I change the format of my axis labels?
- How do I control the appearance of labels in scientific notation?
- How do I control whether a comma or period is used for the decimal point?
- How do I prevent the plot from being redrawn after I edit the axis labels?
- How do I suppress the seconds in the axis labels?
Plot Symbols & Lines
- How do I make the markers thicker?
- Can I force KaleidaGraph to draw the variable or curve fit lines over top of the markers?
- Can I assign different colors for the interior and outline of a single marker?
- Can I display different markers for a single variable?
- Can I display text above or next to the markers?
- Can I fill a plot marker with a fill pattern?
- Can I use font characters as markers?
- How do I display a gap in my line where I have missing data?
Error Bars
Plot Tools
- I created a line but only see the object handles and not the object. Why?
- How do I add or edit text on a plot?
- How can I modify the default styles for the Line/Arrow tool?
- How do I display the \ character in a text label?
- How many objects can be created on a single plot?
- When using the Table tool, can I set the defaults for the Options dialog?
Adding Greek or Special Characters
Saving Plots and Images
- How can I increase the line thicknesses in my exported plots?
- How do I improve the resolution of my exported images?
- What is the image resolution for the various file formats?
- An error occurred during the export of this image.
- Will the transparent background be saved when exporting an image?
- How do I make my plot a specific size?
- How do I save a file for use in an older version of KaleidaGraph?
- Why are my fill patterns being lost when exporting or printing images?
Exporting from Mac version
- Why am I unable to ungroup a plot that is copied and pasted or imported into Office?
- What is the easiest way for me to export a plot?
- How do I export plots in a PDF format?
- Transparent background is lost after pasting into PowerPoint.
- When I export a TIFF image, what does the High Resolution option do?
Exporting from Windows version
Postscript, PDF, or EPS Files
Printing Problems
Basic Questions
- How are the curve fits in KaleidaGraph calculated?
- How do I adjust the number of digits that are displayed for the curve fit results?
- How do I get errors to be displayed for a Least Squares fit?
- If I apply a Least Squares curve fit and a General curve fit to the same data, why do I get slightly different results?
- If I create a plot that has two lines (X, Y) and (X2, Y), would I be able to apply the same curve fit to both lines?
Least Squares Fits
- How are the Linear, Polynomial, Exponential, Logarithmic, and Power curve fits calculated in KaleidaGraph?
- On my log-log plot, the Linear curve fit does not appear as a straight line. Why?
- What happens when I apply a Power curve fit?
- Why is the R value for a Power fit different than the one I got in another program?
- During the calculation of the Power curve fit, is the error minimized on a log scale, or a linear scale?
General Curve Fit
- How do I add a curve fit to the master curve fit list?
- How to find IC50/EC50 values using KaleidaGraph?
- What algorithm is KaleidaGraph’s General curve fit based on?
- What are the error values that are displayed for the parameters?
- How is the Chi Square value in KaleidaGraph calculated?
- How can I get the weights to be used as part of the General curve fit?
- Why do I get high error values for the parameters?
- How do I add curve fits from the master curve fit list to a saved plot?
Smoothing Curve Fits
- How do I display all of the data points, but only fit a certain section of the curve?
- How do I only display the curve fit?
- Can the curve fit functions in KaleidaGraph find X values when the Y values are known?
- If you apply two curve fits to the same Y variable, both of the curve fits will be drawn with the same line style and color. How do I have the curve fits use different colors or line styles?
- How can I put a constraint on two of the parameters, for example m1+m2=1?
- How do I force a Linear fit to go through a particular Y value at X = 0?
- How do I fit two different equations?
- I am having trouble coming up with good initial guesses for the General curve fit.
- After applying a curve fit, I use Formula Entry to compare the results but find that the calculated values do not match up with the original values. Why?
- I am trying to limit the parameters in a General curve fit, but end up with values outside of the limits. Why?
- Why do I get high error values for the parameters?
- No matter what type of curve fit I select (Power, Polynomial, etc.), KaleidaGraph draws a straight line on the graph. Why?
- If I zoom in on a plot containing a curve fit, I notice that the line shifts away from the data. Why?
- Can I save my plots and layout in a single file?
- How do I set the size and position of a plot in the layout window?
- How does KaleidaGraph determine which plot to show in the various cells in the layout?
- One of the plots is hiding part of the plot behind it. How do I fix this?
- The name of the plot is displayed in the layout window. How do I get rid of this?
- How do I open a saved layout and get the plots in the right locations?
- Why are my fill patterns being lost when exporting or printing images?
- Will the transparent background be saved when exporting an image?
General Questions
- Can formulas be saved with the data window?
- Can I perform math operations on date and time data columns?
- Can I subtract the values of one curve from another curve?
- How do I perform the same operation on the entire data window?
- How are Text columns handled in a formula?
- How do I add comments to the formulas in the Posted Note?
- How do I calculate statistics on a row-by-row basis?
- How do I display the column numbers in the data window?
Advanced Formulas
- How do I interpolate values between data columns?
- How do I calculate a statistic on blocks of data?
- How do I invert the data in c0 and place it in c1?
- How do I calculate a statistic from the beginning of the column down to the current row?
- How do I calculate statistics by storing the starting and ending rows to be evaluated in columns?
- How do I compare two columns to see if any two contain equal values?
- How do I find the row number containing the minimum value in column 0?
- How do I leave every Nth row in a column unmasked?
- Even though my formula is valid, I got a Syntax Error. Why?
- Why do I get unexpected results when executing a formula?
- Why would some cells in the destination column be empty?
- My function was truncated in the Formula Entry window. Why?
- When executing a formula, only the result for one of the cells is calculated. Why?
- Why do I get an answer like -2.2352 e-10 when I subtract two values that should result in a value of 0?
Startup Errors
General Errors
- An error occurred during the export of this image.
- Antique Plot File error
- Quicktime and a decompressor are needed to see this picture.
- Both format strings MUST have the same number of variables.
- Get an error about the disk being locked or full when trying to save
- Sorry, the selected data window does not have enough columns to run this script.
- Too many working directories
- Unknown file version number
Creating Plots
Curve Fitting
Formula Entry
Formula Scripts
- Can I use a specific plot as a template?
- Can I use the execute(“ “) function in a formula script?
- I want to specify a path to a file inside a script. How can I find the full path to the file?
- The title I specified is not appearing on the plots created by my #SCRIPT function.
- Will the #PASTE command append columns if the specified columns do not exist?
Plot Scripts