Feature Overview
Flexible Data Entry
Paste data from another application, open Microsoft Excel files directly, or import a variety of text files (including the ability to specify the structure of the text file being imported).

Versatile Graphing Choices
Visualize your data using over 25 graph types, including a variety of Linear, Bar, and Statistical plots. Plot from multiple data sets or plot multiple X-Y pairs on a single plot. Use the Function plot to create a plot of a given equation.
Easily Customize Everything
KaleidaGraph provides the ability to customize virtually every object in your plot. Insert axis breaks, move the axes, and change colors, plot symbols, line styles, thicknesses, and more. Add drop lines and a variety of error bars. Use the tools provided to add text labels and other objects anywhere on the plot.

Precise Curve Fitting
Analyze your data using any of our Least Squares curve fits. Utilize our nonlinear curve fit to fit your own equation or choose one of the more than 100 equations that get installed. Improve the presentation of your data using one of the smoothing curve fits. Easily export the curve fit results for further analysis.
Effortless Plot Export
Export plots and layouts easily via the Clipboard or save them in a variety of file formats, including TIFF, JPG, PNG, SVG, and PDF. Specify the size and resolution of the exported image. Easily reduce the amount of white space around the graph or layout.

Take the Next Step
Download our free 30 day trial and see how easy it is to create publication-quality plots.
Order through our website and create meaningful plots in a matter of minutes.